1·She maintained her equanimity throughout her long ordeal.
2·Dressed in brand - new uniforms, the fliers booked fit despite their long ordeal.
3·Eleven people who were kidnapped in Egypt have returned to their home countries. The five Italians, five Germans and one Romanian flew home after a week-long ordeal.
4·Paramedics on the scene said she suffered no long-term damage from her ordeal.
5·The ordeal of that world is not only survival in the wild, but the long, unbear-able wait to come back into this world.
6·The most agonizing part of the ordeal, she said, was the week-long wait for the test results.
7·I felt a slight tightening on my hand and for the first time that Christmas I felt I would survive my ordeal, and for the first time in a long time, I wanted to.
8·He continued, "as long as you have the will to fix what is wrong, I believe that life is valuable in itself, whatever ordeal it may have to go through."
9·Then, my stomach sick again, have a sense of want to vomit, I ran to the toilet… I am a long hours this ordeal, arrived at 1 am, my stomach finally better.
紧接着,我的肚子又开始恶心起来,有一种要吐的感觉,我又跑去厕所…… 我这一折腾就折腾了一小时,到了凌晨1点,我的肚子终于好些了。
10·We have before us an ordeal of the most grievous kind. We have before us many, many long months of struggle and of suffering.